Leadership Style
Don’t demand. Demonstrate.
“The less you talk, the more you hear.” We practice a listening-focused, egalitarian approach that fosters honest communication with our team. Our goal is to create safe spaces were people can speak freely about their experience working at Bairn so we can problem solve together.
”You’re your own boss.” Within these safe spaces, we believe in trust and autonomy. People don’t work for us, They work with us. We have standard protocols and operations though create room for departments to problem solve and do what they think is best.
”Socially responsible individuals.” We set clear departmental goals and provide support when needed. We believe in personal accountability, turning harmful actions (sometimes unintentional) into valuable lessons through constructive feedback, and avoid consequences based on guilt or shame.
“Privacy & Security.” We emphasize the importance of private space and downtime, outlining responsibilities while allowing flexibility. Our goal is for team members to feel safe expressing themselves and not feel obligated to share anything unwillingly.
“Direction is more important than speed.” To foster ingenuity, we welcome our team to ask questions and share opinions on matters such as scheduling and policy, promoting respectful dialogue and clear action based on majority rule.
“Can’t pour from an empty cup.” Our leadership style requires responsibility and participation, so we prioritize self-care to maintain our energy reserves. Prioritizing self-care is helps us better care for others.
“What’s the endgame?” Our end goal is to help our team develop self-confidence, social skills, and adaptability. We hope our team has greater sense of empowerment in and out of the workplace, leading to increased happiness and better preparation for life’s challenges.